The Nova Southeastern University Grant Writing Laboratory provides a variety of valuable services to NSU faculty and professional staff members with the goal of improving success with grant-seeking. The services offered in the Grant Writing Laboratory are closely coordinated with services offered by the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Resources that Support Your Success
Grant Lab Tools
Funding Search Databases, Funding Alerts, 1:1 Finding Funding Discussions, Limited Submissions
Grant Lab Chats, Grant Writing Mentoring Program, New Faculty Orientation, Lunch & Learn Workshops
1:1 Proposal Feedback, Templates & Guides Library, Team Facilitation & Management, NSU-led Grant Submissions
NSU Network Chats, Department and College Collaboration Events
Listservs, Newsletters, Website
Services Offered
NSU faculty and professional staff members are able to access one-on-one consultations as well as Grant Lab-provided trainings and resources.
All aspects of grant seeking and proposal development are addressed in the Grant Writing Laboratory:
- Brainstorming and idea development
- Grant and project planning
- Support for finding funding opportunities
- Templates and guides for grant applications
- Proposal editing
- Grantsmanship trainings
- Networking events
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- Don't miss out on the Division of Research's quarterly newsletter, and hear about upcoming research events and related resources.
- Subscribe to our NSU Research listserv. Hear about upcoming funding opportunities by receiving biweekly "Funding Alert" emails through our Funding Alerts listserv.