Nova Southeastern University is committed to conducting research in a way that protects your safety and protects your rights and welfare. In accordance with Federal law, NSU has established the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review all research involving human participants.

Human Participants Research Rights

As a participant in a research study, you have the right:

  1. To have enough time to decide whether or not to be in the research study and to make that decision without any pressure from the people who are conducting the research.
  2. To decide not to participate or to withdraw at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which the research participant is entitled.
  3. To be told what the study is trying to find out, what will happen to you, and what you will be asked to do if you are in the study.
  4. To refuse or question study tests or procedures which are not mentioned in the consent form you signed.
  5. To be told about the reasonably foreseeable risks of being in the study.
  6. To be told about significant new information relating to the study as it becomes available, which may relate to your willingness to continue to participate in research study.
  7. To be told about the possible benefits of being in the study.
  8. To be told whether there are any costs associated with being in the study.
  9. To receive payment for participation as indicated in the consent form you signed.
  10. To receive reimbursement for or to receive at no cost study procedures/tests as indicated in the consent form you signed.
  11. To receive treatment/reimbursement for treatment for adverse events as indicated in the consent form you signed.
  12. To be told whom to contact with questions about the research, about research-related injury, and about your rights as a research subject (If the study involves treatment or therapy).
  13. To be told about the other non-research treatment choices you have.
  14. To seek alternative treatment for your condition rather than participate in the study
  15. To continue with your current treatment plan rather than participate in the study
  16. To ask the study staff questions about the study, the results of your lab tests or other diagnostic procedures
  17. To be told if and where treatment is available should you have a research-related injury, and who will pay for research-related treatment.
  18. To be told who will have access to information collected about you, and how your confidentiality will be protected.
  19. To be given a signed copy of the Informed Consent or Assent Forms upon your decision to participate in the research study to take home with you.

For More Information Regarding Participating in a Research Study

Please visit the Office for Human Research Protection's webpage About Research Participation.

For Questions or Concerns, Contact:

Human Subjects Protection/Institutional Review Board
Nova Southeastern University, 3300 S. University Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL  33328-2004
Phone (954) 262-5369/Toll Free: 866-499-0790