IRB Process Resources
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Nova Southeastern University is a unit under the direction of the Division of Research and Economic Development and leads the university's human subject protection program.
The IRB reviews research submissions from the NSU research community to ensure they adhere to basic ethical principles underlying the acceptable conduct of research involving human subjects.
This website was created as a resource for the research community regarding the IRB process and what is expected from all investigators.
Understand Ethical Principles Involving Human Subjects
Nova Southeastern University encourages the conduct of research in the various colleges and in collaboration with other educational institutions, agencies, and organizations. Our researchers conduct studies contributing to the fields of biomedical, social-behavioral, and community-engaged research.
While respecting the right of faculty to full academic freedom in research, the university is firmly committed to adhering to basic ethical principles underlying the acceptable conduct of research involving human subjects.
IRB Office Open Forum/Q&A Sessions
The IRB Office is pleased to announce virtual Open Forum/Q&A sessions twice a month via Zoom. Information and links to these virtual sessions can be found on the Information for Investigators page of our website.
Steps in the IRB Process
Below you will find information regarding the steps in the IRB process and what is required from you, the investigator. Read this information carefully. If you have questions regarding the IRB process, please contact your College Representative for further guidance.
No participants may be approached or any research activities begun (including obtaining data and conducting data analysis) until you have received official IRB approval along with an approval memo and documents. This includes pilot study activities.
Before you begin the IRB process, visit the Information for Investigators webpage. This page provides information pertinent to completing your IRB protocol submission and your responsibilities as an investigator.
Note for student investigators:
Please read the Student Investigators Guide (PDF) and verify you have the following:
- For student research related to a thesis/dissertation, students must receive official approval of their thesis/dissertation proposal prior to beginning the IRB process.
- For student research unrelated to a thesis/dissertation, students must receive approval of their research proposal from their academic/faculty advisor prior to beginning the IRB process.
All individuals involved in research with human subjects, including investigators (principal and co-) as well as members of the research team (i.e. research assistants) must complete the CITI: Course in the Protection of Human Subjects for your college or academic unit. Information regarding this course can be found on the CITI Training webpage.
All individuals involved in research with human subjects, including investigators (principal and co-) as well as members of the research team (i.e. research assistants) must create an IRBManager account. Guidance for creating an account can be found on the IRBManager Resource webpage.
All individuals involved in research with human subjects, including investigators (principal and co-) as well as members of the research team (i.e. research assistants) must complete and submit a Researcher Qualification xForm. Guidance for completing this xForm can be found on the IRBManager Resource webpage.
In order to submit your research study to the IRB for review, you must complete the New Protocol Submission xForm. Guidance for completing this xForm can be found on the IRBManager Resource webpage.
Guidance for submitting for Modification/Amendment (ALL submissions), Continuing Review (Expedited & Full submissions ONLY), Study Closure (Expedited & Full submissions ONLY), or Exempt Research Status update (Exempted submissions ONLY) can be found on the IRBManager Resource webpage.